Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
Binghamton University
Binghamton University Undergraduate Journal
ISSN 2998-3754
Submissions for the 2024-25 Binghamton Undergraduate Research Journal are open!. Plan to submit by our December 15, 2024 deadline.
Binghamton University Undergraduate Journal showcases the broad spectrum and outstanding quality of undergraduate research, scholarly investigation, and creative work in various formats: traditional papers, works of fiction, videos, images, and recordings. The journal is published annually and is blind reviewed by Binghamton University's faculty, staff, and undergraduate students.

Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance
ISSN 2474-2678
Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance is a biannual, open access and peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the publication of original articles that present qualitative or quantitative research, case studies, survey articles, studies of effective pedagogy, conceptual framework, analytical models, and empirical research, as well as book reviews. Gobernar aims to build a debate about governance outside the traditional contexts of strong states and well-ordered societies. It seeks submissions of papers that have Latin-American relevance or significance for Latin Americanists around the world. The journal is devoted to the dissemination of research articles from the broad range of disciplines related to Public Policy and Governance. It aims to provide an intellectual platform for scholars in those fields. Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance is a collaborative publication of Universidad EAFIT and Binghamton University, in association with the Inter-American Network of Public Administration Education (INPAE).Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance es una revista semestral, de acceso abierto y arbitrada que se enfoca en la publicación de trabajos inéditos y originales que presenten avances o resultados de investigaciones cualitativas o cuantitativas, estudios de caso, artículos de revisión, estudios de pedagogía efectiva, marcos teóricos, modelos analíticos e investigaciones empíricas, así como reseñas de libros. De esta forma Gobernar procura contribuir en la construcción de un debate sobre gobernanza por fuera de los contextos tradicionales de estados fuertes y sociedades bien ordenadas. Recibe propuestas de artículos que tengan relevancia en América Latina o para Latinoamericanistas alrededor del mundo. La revista está dedicada a la difusión de artículos de investigación desde el amplio rango de disciplinas relacionadas con las políticas públicas y la gobernanza. Procura proveer una plataforma intelectual para académicos interesados en los temas y disciplinas de la revista.
Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance Una publicación conjunta entre la Universidad EAFIT y Binghamton University, en asocio con la Red Inter-Americana de Educación en Administración Pública (INPAE).

Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal
Established in 2001, Harpur Palate is a literary journal published twice yearly by students at Binghamton University. The project has long been a joint effort of graduate and undergraduate students in the English Department, and is now led by PhD students with the support of undergraduate interns--who earn college credit and learn about literary publishing at the same time.
The first issues of Harpur Palate published only fiction and poetry. The magazine currently accepts submissions for poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction, but this open access archive will also include visual art, photo essays, and interviews from past issues. The magazine runs three annual contests with cash prizes: Creative Nonfiction (Sept 1-Nov 15), John Gardner Memorial Prize in Fiction (Feb 15-April 30), and the Milton Kessler Memorial Poetry Prize (Sept 1-Nov 15).
In its back issues, Harpur Palate has works from such notable authors as Major Jackson, Lydia Davis, Sherman Alexie, and more. Future editors of major publications have also served on the staff at Harpur Palate, such as current co-editor of North American Review J.D. Schraffenberger. Now that the magazine has made the transition to an all-online publication, the editors look forward to publishing new and innovative works on our online platform, Harpur Palate

Northeast Historical Archaeology
ISSN 0048-0738
The Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (CNEHA), founded in 1967, is a non-profit organization dedicated to archaeological scholarship in the American Northeast, including the Canadian provinces and the U.S. states of Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Northeast Journal of Complex Systems (NEJCS)
ISSN 2577-8439
Northeast Journal of Complex Systems (NEJCS) is a peer-reviewed, online open-access journal on complex systems run by a community of complex systems researchers. We believe in the philosophy that the novel and premium idea should be accessible to the scientific community freely. Accepted authors can publish their work free of charge.
See the About This Journal for more information about the journal.

Stony Brook University

Hudson River Biological Modeling Program
Introductory text for Hudson River Biological Modeling Program.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
International Journal of Transformative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
ISSN 2993-6691
The International Journal of Transformative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTTL) is an international peer-reviewed, open-access, and interdisciplinary journal committed to the advancement of higher education teaching and learning. IJTTL is the official journal of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Stony Brook University, State University of New York.
Journal of Network Music and Arts
ISSN 2690-2044
JONMA is a peer-reviewed open access digital research journal published by Stony Brook University. Network Music and Arts utilize the Internet and related technologies as an artistic medium for works created for this platform. JONMA will publish research by artists, technologists, educators, and related scholars. The journal content will include articles, audio and video documentation, and reviews for books and recordings.
New York Journal of Student Affairs
ISSN 2333-8172
The New York Journal of Student Affairs: The Journal of the College Student Personnel Association of New York State (NYJSA) publishes peer reviewed and open source scholarship that addresses contemporary issues relevant to higher education and the practice of student affairs professionals.
The journal has maintained a consistent mission of being a place for both scholars and practitioners to publish new ideas and best practices that inform the fields of student affairs and higher education. We seek reviewers from a variety of backgrounds who can bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the review process.
To that end, NYJSA has a developmental philosophy and has strived to engage experienced and new authors in the peer reviewed publishing process, to affirm their work, provide constructive feedback, and worked to move their piece to publication, often becoming a place for first time publications. We believe in this mission and believe that there should be a journal that is accessible for all.
Submissions for the Journal – Submissions are accepted continuously (no fixed submission deadlines).
Publishing Schedule – The NYJSA publishing year is January 1–December 31. The online format allows for continuous publishing within the publishing year. Accepted manuscripts will be published online upon completion of the full review process for acceptance.
Journal Host Institution - NYJSA is hosted by Stony Brook University's Higher Education Administration Program and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal Host Organization - The College Student Personnel Association of New York State, is a comprehensive professional student affairs organization dedicated to fostering the development of members; a diverse community of educators, students, and scholars within higher education. It provides professional development programs and networking opportunities for graduate students, new professionals, and mid-level managers in higher education in New York State, and strategically partners with resources to deliver on this promise. Strategic partners and resources include senior student affairs leaders, faculty in higher education, prior CSPA-NYS Board members, business leaders, companies, and other student affairs related organizations. For more information about the journal’s host organization, follow this link to the College Student Personnel Association of New York State.
Contact - Feel free to email the New York Journal of Student Affairs with questions or concerns.
SUNY Buffalo State University
Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education (School of Education)
ISSN 2159-1474
Welcome to the Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education, an online, peer-reviewed journal seeking to highlight collaborative research undertaken by university faculty and partner school teachers.
Articles are published in the spring and fall. Submissions for the fall 2024 are now closed.
Submissions should be designated as contributions to one of the following sections:
(1.) Applied Theory/P-12 Educational Research: well developed and written case studies, high quality action research projects, and more traditional research methodologies in P-12 settings or education related settings, including professional development activities with teachers.
(2.) Collaborative Partnerships/Programs: descriptive studies of collaborative/partnership projects that include evidence/data to highlight project strengths and/or shortcomings.
(3.) Promising Practices: descriptive studies of classroom activities, strategies, or various interventions that show promise based on data.
(4.) Educational Policy: theory and policy-oriented studies with direct bearing on the P-16 educational endeavor in the United States.
Please read the submission agreement carefully.
Mosaic: the undergraduate research journal
Introductory text for Mosaic: the undergraduate research journal.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
The Exposition (History and Social Studies Education)
The Language and Literacy Spectrum (Elementary Education and Reading)
ISSN 2993-6330
The Language and Literacy Spectrum is a peer-reviewed journal published annually for the New York State Reading Association membership and available online.
We define literacy broadly to include reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and creating in many different modes and for many different purposes in order to interact with the world.
The readership consists primarily of practicing teachers and literacy specialists. The editors welcome articles focused on classroom practice, research, and theory in literacy. We encourage articles from K-12 practitioners, literacy researchers, and presenters from the NYSRA conference.
SUNY College Cortland
Research in Outdoor Education
ISSN 2375-6381
Research in Outdoor Education is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal seeking to support and further outdoor education and its goals, including personal growth and moral development, team building and cooperation, outdoor knowledge and skill development, environmental awareness, education and enrichment, and research that directly supports systematic assessment and/or evidence-based advances in outdoor education. ROE is intended to appeal to researchers, practitioners, teachers and post-secondary students through the exploration and discussion of diverse perspectives on the theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of outdoor education in its broadest sense. Research in Outdoor Education ended publication with the release of Volume 17 in 2019.
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education
ISSN 1065-5204
Taproot: A Journal of Outdoor Education was published by the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors at least two times per year between 1992 and 2015. The publication was designed to further ongoing communication for the enhancement of education in the outdoors. Each issue contained in depth feature articles on history, leaders, current trends and new philosophies of outdoor education. Book reviews and a comprehensive “resources section” were also regular features in the journal.

The SUNY Journal of the Scholarship of Engagement: JoSE
JoSE is an online, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to research into, and to the practice of, all forms of applied learning as they relate to students’ career- and citizenship-readiness. Housed at SUNY Cortland but committed to developing SUNY-wide partnerships, JoSE accepts submissions from faculty, professional staff, and students at every level.
Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women's & Gender Studies
ISSN 1545-6196
Wagadu is currently transitioning to this platform. During this transition, older issues may be found on the former home of Wagadu.
SUNY Geneseo
Gandy Dancer Archives (Journals)
ISSN 2326-439X
This site serves as the archival home for Gandy Dancer. For current issues and submission information, visit
Gandy Dancer is a literary magazine, available online and in print, that publishes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art. Edited by a rotating staff of students at SUNY Geneseo, Gandy Dancer is published twice yearly.

Proceedings of GREAT Day (GREAT Day Collections)
Geneseo Recognizing Excellence, Achievement, & Talent (GREAT) Day is a college-wide symposium celebrating the creative and scholarly endeavors of our students. In addition to recognizing the achievements of our students, the purpose of GREAT Day is to help foster academic excellence, encourage professional development, and build connections within the community.
Established in 2009, Proceedings of GREAT Day compiles and publishes promising student work presented at SUNY Geneseo’s GREAT Day symposium. The projects, presentations, and research included here represent the academic rigor, multidisciplinary study, and creativity of the students taking part in the SUNY Geneseo GREAT Day symposium.

University at Albany, State University of New York
ISSN 1931-8936
JLAMS is an open-access journal providing an outlet for the dissemination of ideas, articles, academic papers, and essays of interest to library leaders at all levels and of all types of libraries. JLAMS is refereed, although other contributions are accepted.
For information regarding submissions, please contact: LAMS

Latino(a) Research Review
ISSN 2160-0821
The Latino(a) Research Review (LRR) was a refereed interdisciplinary journal focusing on the experiences of the diverse Latino groups in the United States, and those of the populations of Latin America and the Caribbean regions. The journal published scholarly articles, research notes, and book reviews. LRR paid particular attention to research on (im)migration issues and the transnational hemispheric processes that link US Latinos(as) with their countries of origin.Living in Languages
ISSN 2835-8074
Living in Languages Journal is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal devoted to translation studies. As a multilingual and interdisciplinary publication—a collaboration between the English and the Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Departments at the University at Albany—translation is understood without delineation: traversing borders, disciplines, and mediums.

The Journal for MultiMedia History
ISSN 1528-3844
The Journal for MultiMedia History: Peer Reviewed MultiMedia History.
The JMMH relaunch is underway.
The journal is accepting multimedia history projects for peer review. The JMMH also accepts reviews of pertinent works and analyses of the multimedia history field. Use the submission link to the left, and stay tuned for forthcoming issues.
University at Buffalo School of Law
Buffalo Environmental Law Journal (Law Journals)
ISSN 1066-8837
The Buffalo Environmental Law Journal publishes high-quality articles that analyze legal environmental issues, including those surrounding climate change, energy, natural resources management, land use and pollution..
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Buffalo Human Rights Law Review (Law Journals)
ISSN 1098-3643
The Buffalo Human Rights Law Review is published annually. BHRLR focuses on issues of human rights, including topics that apply an interdisciplinary approach. The Review promotes the global development and practical application of human rights law.
See the Aims and Scope for more information about the journal.
Vols. 1-3 of the Buffalo Human Rights Law Review were published under the title Buffalo Journal of International Law.
This year, we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which articulates the simple, yet evasive, notion that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

We invite the public to explore the contents of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: and learn more about the Human Rights 75 Initiative:
.Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal (Law Journals)
ISSN 1539-9036
The annual Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal published articles pertaining to intellectual property.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy (Law Journals)
ISSN 2151-3473
The Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy (BJGLSP) was a professional journal published annually by students of the University at Buffalo School of Law. BJGLSP published works that challenged traditional avenues of legal and academic thought and pursued alternative means of representing the lives and concerns of men, women, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, & questioning persons.
Vols. 7-16 (1999-2008) of the Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy were published under the title Buffalo Women's Law Journal.
Vols. 1-6 (1992-1998) of the Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy were published under the title of Circles: Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy.
Buffalo Journal of International Law (Law Journals)
ISSN 1074-4835
Vols. 1-3 of the Buffalo Human Rights Law Review were published under the title Buffalo Journal of International Law.
See Buffalo Human Rights Law Review for more information.
Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal (Law Journals)
ISSN 2770-7873
The Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal was a yearly publication dedicated to legal scholarly works which aim to discuss those issues most dear to our liberties and freedoms. Such topics are at the root of the public's greater good and deserve rigorous intellectual debate.
Vols. 1-16 (1980-1998) of the Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal were published under the title In the Public Interest.
Buffalo Women's Law Journal (Law Journals)
ISSN 1523-5491
The Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy was a professional journal published annually by students of the University at Buffalo School of Law. Its purpose is to publish significant student and professional contributions to legal literature. Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy published works that challenge traditional avenues of legal and academic thought and pursues alternative means of expressing the lives and concerns of men, women, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, & questioning persons.
Vols. 7-16 (1999-2008) of the Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy were published under the title Buffalo Women's Law Journal.
See Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy for more information about the journal.
Circles: Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy (Law Journals)
ISSN 1080-0905
The Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy was a professional journal published annually by students of the University at Buffalo School of Law. Its purpose is to publish significant student and professional contributions to legal literature. Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy published works that challenge traditional avenues of legal and academic thought and pursues alternative means of expressing the lives and concerns of men, women, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, & questioning persons.
Vols. 1-6 (1992-1998) of the Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy were published under the title of Circles: Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy.
See the Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy for more information about the journal.
In the Public Interest (Law Journals)
ISSN 0897-1331
Vols. 1-16 (1980-1998) of the Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal were published under the title In the Public Interest.
See Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal for more information about the journal.
UB Law Forum (Alumni Publications)